Katya Ivanova


KATYA IVANOVA was born on January 1, 2001, in Sofia. In 2023, she graduates with a degree in "Acting for Drama Theatre" from the "Krastyo Sarafov" National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts in the class of prof. Atanas Atanasov. She graduates with the roles of Agnes, Lorraine, and Amber in "Ecstasy" by Irvine Welsh, directed by Martin Karov; Sixth in "Impressions of Beckett" by Samuel Beckett, directed by Boyan Kracholov; Nastya in "At the Bottom" by Maxim Gorky, directed by Anton Ugrinov. 

In 2023, she was selected after an audition for the play "Metamorphoses" based on Ovid, directed by Stayko Murdjev, and shortly thereafter became part of the ensemble of the "Nikola Vaptsarov" Drama Theatre in Blagoevgrad. 


Her roles in the theatre include: 

  • Eurydice and Myrrha in "Metamorphoses" by Ovid, stage adaptation by Mary Zimmerman, director Stayko Murdjev (2023);
  • Hortensia in "Cinderella" by Charles Perrault, director Margarita Macheva (2021);
  • The Ballerina in "The Steadfast Tin Soldier" by Hans Christian Andersen, director Nikolay Yordanov (2023);
  • Магнолия, Акробат, Младата кралица и др. в "Рожденият ден на инфантата“ по Оскар Уайлд, режисьор Тодор Вълов (2024 г.);
  • Actress in „Театър в парка: Сонети на Шекспир“, режисьор Николай Йорданов (2024 г.);
  • Catherina in "The Iron Candlestick" by Dimiter Talev, director Kalin Angelov (2024);


Her roles outside "Nikola Vaptsarov" Drama Theatre include:

  • Alex in "Unfriend" by Setven Moffat, director Valentin Ganev (Artvent, 2023);
  • Nastya in "At the Bottom" by Maxim Gorky, directed by Anton Ugrinov (NATFA Theatre, 2022);

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