Halls and stages
"Nikola Vaptsarov" Drama Theatre has three halls
Main Hall
- Stage size
10 х 18 м
- Seats
- Mechanisation
- 1 stage circle
- 2 stage cars
- 7 automatic pipes
- 22 mechanical pipes
- Lights
- 75 spotlights
- 4 inteligent spotlights
- 2 projectors
- 2 smoke machines
- 2 snow machines
light console
- Sound
- speakers (2 portal speakers, 4 speakers on stage and 19 speakers on the hall
- 10 headset microphones
- 2 wireless sound system
- audio mixer
Chamber Hall
- Stage size
11 х 6,50 м
- Seats
- Lights
- 14 projectors
- light console
- Sound
- 2 speakers
- audio mixer