The performance "The Transfiguration" at the "Nikola Vaptsarov" Drama Theatre in Blagoevgrad, directed by Veselka Kunchеva, has received six nominations for the "Askeer" Awards 2024. The performance, which premiered last May, is nominated in the categories of "Best Performance," "Direction" (Veselka Kuncheva), "Set Design" (Marieta Golomehova), "Costumes" (Marieta Golomehova), "Music" (Milen Apostolov), and "Debut" (Theodor Nenov for the role of Gregor Samsa)
The "Askeer" Awards have been presented by artists to artists for 33 years, and their nominations are always a source of pride. The ceremony will take place on May 24th at the Bulgarian Army Theater, which is the main organizer of the event.
We wish success to the nominees!